About the Blog's New Name

I recently changed the name of my blog from "Latter-day Reviews" to "Light and Truth," reflecting the scriptures in D&C 93 referring to the glory of God being intelligence, or light and truth. I did this because I wanted to expand on the purpose of my blog -- in addition to sharing insights I learned from faith-promoting books that I have read and a review of it, I also want to include other thoughts and feelings I have towards other aspects of the restored Gospel and wanted to change the name to emphasize that role per se. I do not want to just give a review of books, I want this to be a means of sharing my testimony and even answering questions people may have or come to me with.

You'll also continue to see various changes made to the blog in design and functionality. I'm trying to make this as good as I possibly can, so thank you for understanding, and may God bless you!
